Why is water absorption so important when it comes to flour? Hear why straight from our expert.

Why is water absorption so important when it comes to flour? Hear why straight from our expert.
Keep in mind the most important factor in ingredients and processing is consistency. When your dough is overmixed, the gluten matrix begins to degrade. The dough is too warm and sticky, lacks elasticity and has too much flow. Learn more from our Bakery Technical Manager, Dave Krishock.
Keep in mind the most important factor in ingredients and processing is Consistency. Regardless of the brand of flour, the baker must have consistently good flour that performs throughout the mixing, make up, proofing, baking and packaging stages of the product. Learn about the goals of mixing and the stages the dough will experience during […]
Flour quality, consistent performance and overall specifications can significantly impact the results of a baked product. Everything from appearance, to crumb to mouth feel is an effect of the performance of the flour. It’s important to understand some of the main characteristics of flour and how each plays a role in the dough absorption, development, […]
Grain Craft has been committed to consistency for over 100 years. Not just in quality, but in the service and support we provide our customers.
Click to read the original story on BakingBusiness.com here. BOSTON — People in the highest category for consuming whole grains had a 29% lower rate of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when compared to people in the lowest category in a study published July 8 in BMJ. “Higher consumption of total whole grains and […]
Click here to learn more about Grain Craft Neapolitan flour.
Published on BakingBusiness.com 5/21/2020 KANSAS CITY — Numerous influences have fueled a trend of consumers seeking to lessen or eliminate wheat intake, but probably none has been greater than a growing belief wheat varieties cultivated today do not confer the same healthful benefit as wheat grown in yesteryear. Perhaps no one has advocated this position to […]
Watch this new video from the Wheat Foods Council to learn about different varieties of wheat, where each variety is grown, and in which baked products they are used.
Check out these tools filled with pizza crust tips and formulas! The Craft of Pizza Crust Brochure Need to know what to do when you run out of dough too early in your day? Wondering how to adapt your dough with a higher protein flour? Find answers to these crust questions and more in “The […]
At Grain Craft we believe quality starts with using certified seed and choosing varieties that have excellent milling and baking characteristics. We recommend planting one of the varieties shown to attain the best quality wheat possible. WinterhawkWB 4303WB 4515 Byrd KanMarkOakley CL1863Tatanka LCS MintLCS LinkLCS ValiantT158 SY SouthwindSY FlintJagaleneSY MonumentBob Dole TAM 112TAM 114 Settler […]
How does dough extensibility change over fermentation times? Grain Craft’s bakery tech manager, Dave Krishock, reviews and compares dough balls throughout different fermentation times.
Consistency is the key with dough temperature, scaling and rounding. Join Grain Craft’s bakery tech manager, Dave Krishock, for some helpful tips on processing your dough and preparing it for ideal baking conditions.
Accurate ingredient scaling and proper mixing are critical steps to achieve the correct gluten development and extensibility in your dough. Join Grain Craft’s bakery tech manager, Dave Krishock, for a quick overview of mixing tips and tricks.
View the full story on cnn.com here. In a recent published study of a 27-year global diet analysis, Ashkan Afshin and his colleagues looked at 15 dietary risk factors and their impact on death and disability. “High levels of unhealthy red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fatty acids and salt — all known to […]
Watch Grain Craft’s baking expert Dave Krishock demonstrate the quality and strength of Power flour. Click here to learn more about Power.
Article originally published on bakeryandsnack.com. 03-Dec-2018 The bread crust is usually relegated to the bin along with the wrapper; however, what many fussy eaters may not realize is it is more nutritious than the bread itself. Check out the full article here
What better month than November to celebrate bread! This fundamental baked good dates back to Ancient Egypt or earlier and its boundless benefits have made it a daily food in many households. Aside from being convenient, tasty and the anchor that holds a sandwich together, bread packs a punch when it comes to being an […]
Brian Hernandez demonstrates the unique qualities of Upright flour, the newest flour for Neapolitan-style crusts. Click here to learn more about Upright.
According to the Grain Foods Foundation, a new study published in the journal, Nutrients, and presented at The American Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting (AGS18), shows that grain foods pack a significant punch of the nutrients older Americans need most. Presently, more than a third of the American population is over 50 years old. Yet the diets of many individuals […]
This simple video breaks down an important component of flour – gluten.
Rising consumer preference for healthy food options is propelling the popularity of sourdough-baked goods. Check out the full article from BakeryandSnack.com here.
Remember…flour is a raw ingredient and must be further processed to control microbial pathogens. This video, brought to you by The North American Millers’ Association (NAMA) and the Candadian National Millers Association (CNMA), is a great resource for the proper handling of handling of raw products containing flour. “Wheat is a healthy and wholesome grain, […]
Why use enriched flour? What are the benefits and what are the concerns? Theresa Cogswell from BakingBusiness.com breaks down enriched flour. Check out the full article here.
Business Insider describes why going “gluten-free” for weight loss and health enhancement might not be the best answer Read the full article here.