2024 Preferred Variety Program – Idaho
The Grain Craft Preferred Variety Program includes varieties that have been thoroughly tested and selected based on key milling and baking characteristics.
Why Preferred Varieties?
- Each has shown strong grain yield and successful end-use performance
- Premiums paid for preferred varieties delivered to select Grain Craft mills
- Offers a more consistent end product with better baking functionality
- Identity Preservation to promote growers and to connect consumers to the agriculture industry
Become a Preferred Variety Grower
- Select preferred varieties from the Grain Craft list.
- Read through the program requirements.
- Submit your information on the form below to E.G. Herl, VP of Grain & Logistics.
- Complete the Grain Craft Harvest and Wheat Sustainability Surveys by October 1. (These will be emailed to you in June)
- At harvest, you will collect and send a 10 lb. sample of each contracted preferred variety to: Grain Craft Innovation & Quality (GCIQ) Lab at 1990 Kimball Avenue, Manhattan, KS. Sample must include Name, Farm Name, and Variety Information.
Grain Craft Preferred Varieties
Grain Craft Preferred Variety Identity Preserved bids shall be offered for contracting the following varieties:
Hard Red Winter
Hard Red Spring
SY Gunsight
Hard White Spring
UI Platinum
UI Gold
SY Teton
WB7202CLP (Dryland Only)
Soft White Winter
SY Assure
SY Ovation
Soft White Spring
UI Cookie
UI Stone
UI Pettit
2024 Preferred Variety Producer Agreement
Please submit your information via the following form: